
Piety's Notebook.

Season 44

Cover Image for Season 44

🍬 Entering the SweetSpot

The crew is lead to the "Sweet Spot" candy shop, entering the basement to a high table. A tall figure stands at the table and greets the crew/Mr. Graham. The figure is introduced as Mr. Honeycut

Mr. Graham informs Mr Honeycut that we are from another realm

Mr. Honeycut (a lorekeeper) informs us something is sapping all the joy and color out of the realm. He believes this may be part of what brought us here. He talks of an ancient relic (believed to have been destroyed and separated to keep power throughout the realms). He believes what is sapping the color has gotten ahold of some of these gems.

Mr. Honeycut takes out a box containing a circlet. Yellow, orange, and purple gem stuck inside circlet with the others missing.

The coral gem john holds rips itself out of his pocket and slots itself into the circlet

Piety expresses her concern to the group that Honeycut/Graham may be betraying/misleading us

The Ruby and Emerald are still missing from the circlet

It is rumored that Magnifico the Magician at the local circus may posses or know the location of the emerald

Mr. Honeycuts scout has information on the location of the Ruby. Elwyn Greenleaf?

Mr. Graystone has been critical of the lore-keepers society per Honeycut

Virile recommends the group head to the circus.

At the circus Woody (An animated puppet) is taking 1 sp for entry.

Piety pays 2 sp for entry for herself, John pays 3sp for the rest of the crew.