
Piety's Notebook.

Season 58

Cover Image for Season 58

Sway Jon, Sway

The crew heads out to gather Cabarus and head to Vallaki

As travel begins the crew starts to hear howling closing in on them. Rodney and Jon are able to confirm the howls are closing in on them but not chasing a specific target.

The crew continues down the road, keeping ears open for the wolves. Further down the road it sounds like the wolves have multiplied. Cabarus recommends picking up the speed.

As the crew starts to speed up they notice 3 wolves on their left and 6 on their right, some distance still between them.

The crew breaks out into a full stride and start to break away from the wolves. As they reach the old gallows the wolves visibly slow down. One of the wolves is standing on its hind legs at a crossroad, seemingly humanlike in nature.

As the crew passes closer by the gallows, Jon notces a deep gnome hanging from the rope who looks identical to himself. Jon jumps off the speeding wagon as he calls out about the hanging body.

As Jon makes his way back to the gallows he sees no body, just a swinging rope near identical to the one he took before. Jon uses his arcane ability to inspect the rope, coming up dry.

The crew hears a raven that flys by them down a new path, a path the wolves seen to be afraid of. The crew decides to follow it, as they start a loud thunderstrike rings through the air.

Further down the path a wagon circle is setup with colorful tents and brightly clad figures around a fire.

Piety, Jon, and Vrille head to meet the crew around the fire with Isamark in tow. The rest stay behind to not revel the crews full numbers. While introductions are made the denizens reveal they are vistani. The 4 sit down to listen to stories from the vistani and learn what they can. Wine and entertainment are offered to the crew.

Jon meets a fan of his work at the fire and sits next to them to answer questions and share conversation.

Piety questions how the Vistani are able to leave and re-enter the lands while no-one else can. They tell of a story where they helped and revitalized a man who was down on his luck. Upon further detail it is revelaed this man was Strahd. The Vistani helped him 100-150 years ago. Strahd has a falling out with his father and put his energy into studying magic, achieving his immortality.

Further discussion reveals Strahd became infatuated with a woman named Tatiana. Tatiana, however; fell in love with Strahd's brother Sergei. This led Strahd further down an evil path, causing his people to turn on him. It was at this time that they realized they were unable to kill Strahd with his newfound immortality.

Another Vistani starts to recount the tale of the mighty wizard. A year ago a wizard man came attempting to rally the people to revolt against Strahd. When Strahd joined the battle the peasant army scared off and the wizard fought along against Strahd. The wizard was knocked down into the river in the fight, when scavengers went to loot his body the wizard was no longer there. His body was never found. It is uncertain if this story is fiction or not.

Jon asks Piety and Vrille if they think they may need to find the wizard.

Upon asking it is revelaed the cliffs he would have been thrown down would likely be the Ravenloft cliffs, upon which the castle sit.

There are more stories shared of a paladin who encountered Strahd and lived to tell the tale. He is said to be located in Argynvostholt.

The crew makes plans to make their way to Argynvostholt after reaching Vallaki.

Jon signs an autograph for his fan before the crew heads on their way.

Piety and Vrille head into Madame Ava's tent upon request.

Madame Ava does a card reading for Piety and Vrille. She places the cards in a diamon formation, 5 cards total.

  • Card 1 is placed on the left. This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancient will help you better understand your enemy. Madame Ava flips the card, 5 of Swords- Mymidon. She recites "Look for a den of wolves in the hills overlooking a mountain lake. The treasure belongs to Mother Night."
  • Card 2 is placed to the top. This card tells of a powerful force for good and protection, a holy symbol of great hope. Madame Ava flips the card, 7 of Swords- Hooded One. She recites "I see a faceless god. He awaits you at the end of a long and winding road, deep in the mountains."
  • Card 3 is placed ot the right. This is a card of power and strength. It tells of a weapoin of vengeance: a sword of sunlight. Madame Ava flips the card, 1 of Glyphs- Monk. She recites "The treasure you seek is hidden behind the sun, in the house of a saint."
  • Card 4 is placed to the bottom. This card sheds light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness. Madame Ava flips the card, Ghost (King of Hearts). She recites "I see a fallen paladin of a fallen order of knights. He lingers like a ghost in a dead dragon's lair."
  • Card 5 is placed in the center. Your enemy is a creature of darkness, whose powers are beyond mortality. This card will lead you to him! Madame Ava flips the card, Beast (Jack of Diamonds). She recites "The beast sits on his dark throne."

The crew beds down for the night with the Vistani.