Vladimir Horngaard insists that Strahd must not be killed so that he may remain alive and suffering. He does suggest storing Strahd in a vessel of some sort to allow his prolonged suffering but also spare the people of Barovia.
The gang decides to head back to Vallaki and speak to Blinksy as a potential candidate for helping in this quest. When they arrive they find Blinksy with a black eye and his monkey is missing.
When the gang speaks with Blinksy, they learn that he is quite afraid of Izek. Virile tries to convince him to spill the tea, but he refuses. He seems quite cowardly. Piety asks him if he can help with trapping Strahd in a small vessel. He suggests that the gang finds an artificer in order to help them. Though he does sell them a ventriloquism dummy that bears a striking resemblence to Strahd, and says that the Vistani may be a good lead.
The gang finds Izek intimidating the local priest. Piety tries to grab him and he turns away. She whiffs her attack and he steals her axe. She moves to swing her sword and Jon casts fireball. Izek takes the damage and so does Piety. She goes down.
Izek offers to sell the axe back for 30gp. Jon manages to convince him to give the axe back for 1 very expensive gem. Then Cabarus revives Piety.
The team decides to make for the Vistani camp in order speak to them and find shelter for the evening.
When they arrive they find Arrigal and Luvash whipping a dusk elf. Arrigal was the man who tricked them into entering Barovia. After some heated words, they say they will talk with the team if they buy them a drink or find Luvash's daughter, Arabelle.
A search party had already been sent to find her. So, the team agrees to head North and search for her. After a brief disagreement and scuffle between Piety and Luvash the team heads towards Lake Zarovich. The plan is to head off and take a short rest and then return with Jon pretending to be Arabelle so that the team can get the Vistani to talk.