
Piety's Notebook.

Season 76

Cover Image for Season 76

Talk head, talk!

Esmarelda reads her masters notes, he has a direct note to esmarelda telling her to take care of the werewolves and to speak to the vestani head. Finishing with "Stay the hell away from me". Attached to the note is a small scroll of speak with dead.

The crew directs esmarelda to talk to the head. They seek to gain leverage on the wolves.

Esmarelda asks the head how it managed to get to this point in its "life". It states a half elf bard offered them a ride in their carnival wagon. Several days of travel later the vestani tried to steal his cart, but a pet monkey distracted him and he was stabbed.

Piety asks the head who the leader of the werewolves is. He claims it Emil was who wanted to make the pack stronger by adding well fit members. Piety follows up, asking what Emil's weakness is. He says its silver, and keen sense to follow the pack.

Jon asks who in the pack may be looking to usurp Emil. He states Carol is more keen on turning all children to werewolves which went against Emils beliefs. Emils is doing his best to get rid of Carol.

Cabarus reminds the crew of the woman who was gaurding the children havin talked of an old lover Carol.

The general thought amongs the crew is that the bard character is esmarelda's master in disguise.

Jon asks the head if he knows where rudolph went. He mentions he went as a bard in disguise to vilakey, in his carnival wagon.

Piety remembers the bard took us to the coffin maker. Rictavio

The crew rides for vilakey to silver their weapons.

As the crew is traveling to vilakey, they see a pillar of white and streaks of black smoke coming straight up from the center of vilakey. The festival of the burning sun. When they enter the town they see the burgomaster next to the burning son.

They see the coffin maker and ask him what he has been up to and if hes seen ricktavio. He saw him a day or two ago around arasek stockyard.

The crew then heads to fiona watcher, a spooky lady the coffin maker was talking to. She revealse she is a noble priest of a secret book club. She is full of herself and a supporter of strahd

The crew then heads to the stockyard. They find the carnival cart with a lock. When rodney tries to unlock it lurches forward and he sees an enscription on the lock saying I bring you from shadow into the light.

Jon offers 2 nearby drunks 100gp if they can break into the cart. As they try and fail the door breaks down releasing a sabertooth tiger. One of the drunks runs off and Piety chases after him, knocking him down.

Vrille runs after the tiger, as it eats preserved fish from a crate. She continues opening crates for him

Rodney searches the cart, finding a vestani effigy doll made by blinksy.

Jon speaks to the animal. He states he is very hungry as his owner has missed three meals. Jon asks him if he can smell his owner. He can't but he can smell the vestani esmarelda. It is slowly walking towards esmarelda ready to attack. Piety casts darkness to protect her.

Jon uses his animal handling in the darkness to look his immovable rod through his collar, activating it and tieing it off with rope. Piety then drops darkness.

The crew decides to head to bluewater in quickly for food and to find ricktavio hopefully.